
汉娜FrevertDr. 美林E. 加迪斯,伽马,还有 加迪斯纪念讲座

发言人: Hannah Kiddoo Frevert

标题: 突破:嘈杂世界中有效沟通的策略  

日期: 2024年10月22日

生物: Hannah Kiddoo Frevert是密苏里州律师协会的公关总监, 致力于提高法律职业水平的全国性组织, 法律, 以及所有密苏里人的司法管理. 在2015年加入密苏里州律师事务所之前, Frevert was the assistant editor of the Texas Bar Journal 和 held communications roles for a variety of publications 和 agencies. She majored in communication studies at Central Methodist University before obtaining a master's in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Frevert is the secretary for Adult Basic Literacy Education (ABLE) board of directors 和 a member of the Ashl和, 密苏里公园委员会. 另外, she is the chair-elect of the National Association of Bar Executives Communications Section.

十大博彩平台讲座系列: Pi Gamma Mu的Kappa分会, 国际社会科学荣誉学会, 美林证券的发起人. 加迪斯纪念讲座. 该讲座成立于1984年,是为了纪念李博士. 美林Elmer 盖迪斯 (1891-1958) who founded the Kappa Chapter at Central College in 1935 和 later served as regional chancellor of the honorary society.

Dr. 盖迪斯, who earned a doctor of philosophy degree in history from the University of Chicago, 1929年加入中央学院. 著名讲师, he was a professor of history 和 later chair of Central’s Department of 历史 和 Political Science until his death.

Members of Pi Gamma Mu choose the 盖迪斯 Lecturer from persons suggested by Central Methodist social sciences faculty 和 other members of the University community, 包括校友.

这堂课的经费是由Pi Gamma Mu提供的.




Dr. 托马斯. 佩里的信仰 & 科学讲座系列

发言人: 兄弟J. Consolmango

标题: 机会还是目的?:生物学中的智能设计论  

日期: 2025年4月21日

生物: Br. Guy Consolmagno SJ于1952年出生于密歇根州底特律. He obtained his Bachelor of Science in 1974 和 Master of Science in 1975 in Earth 和 Planetary Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 和 his Ph.D. 1978年从亚利桑那大学获得行星科学学位. 从1978年到80年, he was a postdoctoral fellow 和 lecturer at the Harvard College Observatory 和 from 1980-1983 continued as postdoc 和 lecturer at MIT.

In 1983, 他离开麻省理工学院加入了美国和平队, 他在肯尼亚教了两年物理和天文学. 1985年回到美国后, 他成为了伊斯顿拉斐特学院的物理学助理教授, 宾西法尼亚, 他在那里教书直到1989年加入耶稣会. 1991年,他宣誓成为耶稣会的一员, 和 studied philosophy 和 theology at Loyola University Chicago 和 physics at the University of Chicago before his assignment to the Vatican Observatory in 1993.

在2000年春天,他担任麦克林椅子访问耶稣会学者圣. 费城约瑟夫大学, 2006-2007年纽约福特汉姆大学洛约拉教授, 并于2009年秋季担任拉尼根科学系主席, 医学, 勒莫恩学院(锡拉丘兹). He has also been a visiting scientist at the Goddard Space Flight Center 和 a visiting professor at Loyola College (Baltimore) 和 Loyola University (Chicago).

Br. Consolmagno has served on the governing boards of the Meteoritical Society; the International Astronomical Union's (IAU) Division III, 行星系统科学(秘书, 2000年至今)和委员会16, 卫星和行星(总统, 2003-2006); 和 the American Astronomical Society Division for Planetary Sciences (chair, 2006-2007). 自2008年以来, he has been a member of the IAU Working Group on Planetary System Nomenclature 和 the Mars Nomenclature Task Group; in 2015, 他成为了Mars TG的主席.

他与人合著了两本天文学书籍: 在猎户座左转 (与丹·M. Davis; Cambridge University Press, 1989) 和 天壤之别 (与玛莎·W. Schaefer; Prentice Hall, 1993). He is the author or co-author of four books exploring faith 和 science issues, including 通往光之居所之路 (圣母大学出版社,1998); 哥哥天文学家 (麦格劳·希尔,2000); 上帝的力学 (Jossey-Bass, 2007) 你会给外星人施洗礼吗? (与保罗·穆勒,图片,2014年). 他还编辑 天堂宣告 (梵蒂冈天文台出版社,2009年). Since 2004, he has written a monthly column on astronomy for the British Catholic periodical, 平板电脑.

十大博彩平台讲座系列: 多亏了牧师的慷慨馈赠. 加思·利,谨以此纪念. 托马斯·佩里, 长期担任CMC英语系主任, 本讲座由博彩平台推荐捐赠. 牧师. Leigh sponosored a lecture series as a testament to the impact Perry had on generations of students at Central, 鼓励他们深入思考, 与更大的问题搏斗, 挑战自己,成为最好的公民和学者. The annual lecture will focus on the role that minister-scientists have played in the development of both religious traditions as well as scientific discoveries. 

In addition to spending 20 years as chairman of the Department of English at Central Methodist College, Perry also served as chair of the Division of Literature 和 Languages 和 of the honors program. 他赞助了涂鸦者和潦草者, 有抱负的创意作家俱乐部, 每月在家里招待他们. Perry is the late father of Tad Perry, current member of the board of trustees at CMU. 牧师. 李担任联合卫理公会牧师多年, 和 has worked as a freelance writer since his retirement from ministry in 2000. 他目前住在密苏里州的堪萨斯城. 和他的妻子Cheri.


约翰CarianiGeist Yancey讲师

发言人: 约翰Cariani

日期: 2025年2月26日

生物: 约翰Cariani is an American actor 和 playwright best known for his recurring role in 法律 & 订单. 在舞台上, he earned a Tony Award nomination for his role as Motel the Tailor in the 2004 Broadway revival of 屋顶上的小提琴手. 他也因在百老汇演出中的角色而闻名 臭的东西! 和 乐队来访,以及写作 缅因州几乎是美国高中制作最多的戏剧之一. 卡里亚尼曾出演过许多电视节目, 电影, 戏剧, 以及音乐剧, 他的戏剧经常在欧洲大陆上演.

十大博彩平台讲座系列: Dr. Joe Geist was a faculty member at Central Methodist College from 1972 to 1998 和 was named Professor Emeritus upon his retirement from teaching. He served as curator of the Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art from 1998 to 2014 和 now serves as its registrar. 他的职业生涯一直致力于促进文科的发展, 文化, 文学, 和学习. 

Mr. 汤姆燕西, a 1954 alumnus of Central, joined the faculty in the Swinney Conservatory in 1958. In 1972, he served as the Conservatory's dean, 和 in 1995 he accepted Professor Emeritus status. 汤姆不仅是一位有成就的音乐家,还是一位著名的艺术家. 汤姆, 和乔一起, was a co-founder of the Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art 和 was curator of the Gallery from 1993 until 1998.

The purpose of the Geist Yancey lectureship is to provide a lasting legacy of Joe's 和 汤姆's endless pursuit of the furthering of these pillars of higher education. 讲座将以文化事务为主题, 和 the speaker shall be a noted/national individual from outside the CMU community.

这次讲座的经费是由Dr. 乔·盖斯特博士. 汤姆燕西.


Dr. 罗德里格斯


发言人: 牧师. Dr. rub罗萨里奥Rodríguez

标题: 世俗世界的精神形成:挑战与机遇

日期: 2025年3月27日

生物: 牧师. Dr. rub罗萨里奥Rodríguez, 毕业于联合神学院和普林斯顿神学院, holds the Clarence Louis 和 Helen Steber Professorship in Theological Studies at Saint Louis University. Dr. Rosario engages issues of global migration 和 social justice as director of the Mev Puleo Program in Latin American Politics, 神学, 圣路易斯大学和文化专业的教授. His latest monographs include Theological Fragments: What We Can 和 Cannot Know about an Infinite God (Westminster John Knox Press, 2023)和加尔文对世界:他的政治的持久相关性, 社会, 和经济神学(贝克学院), 2024).

十大博彩平台讲座系列: 前教员和赞助商的Alpha Phi Gamma“MOKERS”,博士. 55年的吉尔伯特·“吉尔”·弗勒和他妻子, Ruth Hombs 冷嘲 58届, 想要提升CMU的卓越精神. Their passion for their alma mater where they met, 和 the love of their son, Jeffrey G. 冷嘲, 引导他们向大学赠送礼物, 为未来几代学生增强中央体验.

1959年至1965年,弗勒在中央大学担任宗教学助理教授. 在他去世之前. 冷嘲 was a social science professor at Western Texas College 和 a United Methodist counselor. 多年来,他一直在非传统环境中为年轻人提供咨询服务. The couple’s strong support of leadership training led them to fund the Gil 和 Ruth 冷嘲 Fund for Excellence in Values-Based Education at CMU.



